If you’re making use of for Canadian everlasting house via the Express Entry immigration system (FSW, CEC, or FST programs), the Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program, or one in all the Provincial Nominee Programs, you may maximum possibly want to offer evidence of your preceding and/or modern paintings enjoy.  Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) calls for applicants offer a letter from their organization, with precise data. This what’s referred to as an Employment Reference Letter, and you’ll discover in this newsletter what data IRCC is asking for, what to do if your organization does now no longer need to offer you with this letter, and eventually a pattern letter in your very own use.

What to include in the Employment Reference Letter?

IRCC calls for that the Employment Reference Letter has:
  • (i) to be imprinted on the letterhead of the organization, and inclusive of the organization’s ​touch data (email, phone number, variety, and address),
  • (ii) to encompass the name, identify, and signature of your advanced or the organization’s Human Resources (HR) officer, and
  • (iii) to include your name, the identity of all occupations held on the organization with the following info for everyone: listing of responsibilities, starting and finishing date of employment (if applicable), variety of labor hours/week, and income and advantages in step with year.
There isn’t any want, consistent with IRCC’s guidelines, to have the organization stamp at the letter.  The maximum essential component to maintain in thoughts is to have the responsibilities and duties listing included withinside the Reference Letter. 

How to get the Employment Reference Letter from my employer?

They are more than one situation possible. You should recognize that IRCC is open-minded and that failure to offer the letter withinside the specifically required layout does now no longer suggest your utility could be rejected. As lengthy as you offer different assisting files, and a Letter of Explanation (LoE) detailing why you couldn’t offer the record in step with IRCC requirements, your utility might be accepted. You first want to set up confidence together along with your supervisor, and now no longer pop out of the blue inquiring for this distinctive letter. You should start together along with your supervisor approximately his mind on shifting abroad, what they consider it, in the event that they have enjoyed and/or endorse the matter. You should, some weeks or months after this, inform them which you are thinking about it greater critically and which you may want their recommendation, and spot if that is something they’re open to.   You can then visit your HR branch and spot if they’re inclined to offer you the letter with the desired data. If they refuse, you could ask your supervisor to speak with HR approximately the situation and reassure them that the manner will take as a minimum a year. You have to touch them via way of means of email and request a response, so you can upload the email to your assisting files as evidence your organization refused to offer you the desired letter. If all of this doesn’t paintings, that can happen, your remaining alternative is to invite your supervisor to signal a letter on his behalf, even without the organization letter, with a purpose to encompass maximum if now no longer all the data required. You will should additionally upload a replica in their commercial enterprise and/or organization card, and feature their signature notarized. In addition to the Employment Letter signed via way of means of the supervisor, you have to upload copies of any record you’ve got that relates to your employment: contract, pay stubs, certificates of employment and/or income, merchandising letters, etc.

What to encompass withinside the Duties and Responsibilities segment of the Letter?

You want to first discover your NOC (National Occupational Classification) code. Indeed, every NOC code has a listing of ​responsibilities and duties and also you should discover the only NOC code that corresponds to the maximum on your activity. You should carry out about 80% of the responsibilities set out withinside the NOC code web page.  It may be very essential which you do now no longer copy the responsibilities withinside the NOC code web page and placed them withinside the Reference Letter. Indeed, IRCC will recognize that and could doubt that the letter is genuine, in an effort to maximum possibly bring about similar investigations that could enlarge processing instances and/or lead to a refusal.  We strongly endorse you to put in writing your very own responsibilities (in case you do now no longer have a respectable organization activity description) and take proposals from the ones on the NOC code web page. Do now no longer use the identical order as the only at the NOC code web page, and do now no longer use the identical variety of responsibilities. And eventually, upload or 3 responsibilities (or greater) that aren’t at the NOC code web page.